Tuesday, December 6, 2011

She prefers HER world thank you...

In Lucy's world she spends her evenings shopping a sensory catalog for classroom supplies for her own class (you know, the one SHE teaches).  In her world she makes appointments for sick dogs and is able to provide some diagnostic services over the telephone.  In Lucy's world she has (and she has stuck by this claim for 2 years now) flown on Christmas Eve, just a little bit, just floating above the carpet a little as she was laying there (no one saw her but she did it).  In her beautiful world, Jack Frost is Frosty the Snowman and she KNOWS him and at times helps him with his handiwork.  She has checklists of kids who need time-outs, she has intake forms for new toddlers for my room (not REAL intake forms with any identifying client information mind you).   No wonder it sucks so bad for her sometimes when all her grown-ups expect her to live in OUR world.  I'd fight it too little girl (maybe not quite as fiercely)

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